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Jul 28, 2020
3 min read
Last update: May 16, 2024

Summer Staycations: COVID-19 Edition

Staycations—How To Refresh, Reinvigorate And Rediscover Your Creativity

For many of us, summertime is the best time of the year! So many outdoor activities await. There are barbecues and get-togethers with friends and family. The list is endless. This summer however, has thrown us a punch in the form of COVID-19. Most of the country, and the world, is still in some form of lockdown. We have been indoors for a few months, and we are getting stir crazy. What can we do about it?

Think Local, Think Small

Since we have probably never spent this much time in our homes, let’s rediscover them. If we have a backyard space, try different decorating ideas that will bring it back to life. This might seem overwhelming and maybe a little expensive, but hurting your budget is not a requirement for an awesome outdoor space. Utilize online sites like Pinterest and other social media sites that show DIY in a range of expressions. Make the most of your grocery run and visit the plant section of your chosen retailer. Hanging plants or potting new ones, wakes up any space and brings cheer back to your life.

Dust off patio furniture and the grill, and enjoy the fact that while being at home, you are safe and healthy. This will lend to an overall feeling of wellness and contentment that can help combat anxiety and other mental health fatigue and stress. After all, who doesn’t love the smell of a grill firing up with veggies or your favorite choice of meat?

Are you a budding photographer? Try honing your skills on new dishes you create or animals in your yard. It may surprise you to see what you find.

Hit the Pavement

 Being outdoors and in the fresh air is always rejuvenating. This summer, instead of focusing on where you can’t fly to, look at what nature has around you. There are many trails for walking and hiking that are still open to the public as long as you follow PPE rules and social distancing. Hike that mountain that you always drive by. Fish in the lake or river that you’ve been swearing you will do one day when you have time. These are activities that don’t take a lot of money. In fact, many trails are free. Have a family day and rediscover the outdoors. Children will enjoy these activities as well.

Road trips are an American pastime that is underappreciated in today’s world. Set off in the car and drive the scenic route without having to leave your car. While larger national parks may be open with restrictions, driving through a beautiful forest, or down the coast is never a bad idea.

Remember that your safety and the safety of those with your or around you is what is most important. If you do venture outdoors, please use proper PPE (mask, hand sanitizer, etc.) and keep to social distancing rules. You may find that in doing so, you don’t have as many people crowding the trails or outdoor spaces you are visiting, making it more enjoyable.

Tap into Your Creativity

The options for a great staycation are only as limited as your imagination. Remember when you were a kid and had endless ideas for fun? Go back to that place.

Try stargazing on those clear nights and let your imagination run wild! You may surprise yourself at what you come up with. Take the time to relax as if you were on a vacation away from home. It is important that you have this downtime to destress with all that is going on in the world.

Try journaling all your adventures to see how each of your staycations play out. You may rediscover what you love about your town or your own home, whether big or small. What it will create in you is a positive attitude that is contagious even when you can’t be close to those you love.

Such measures will go a long way to prepare you for the road ahead. A balance of rest and relaxation is just what the doctor ordered. When you are finally ready to get back to working on your business you will be refreshed and ready to take on the world again.

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