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Nov 17, 2020
2 min read
Last update: May 16, 2024

What We’re Grateful for This Thanksgiving

2020 has been quite the year. We’ve been faced with challenge after challenge and had to endure some pretty rough times.

With everything that’s been going on, it’s easy to get caught up in the gloom and doom and overlook all of the positive things in our lives. And while we may not have been to take the exotic vacation that we had planned on or attended the concert we were looking forward to, we’ve all gained a deeper appreciation for things we once took for granted.

So, with Thanksgiving coming up, it’s the perfect opportunity to take a moment and reflect on everything we have to be grateful for in 2020.

We asked the team at SBG Funding to tell us what they were thankful for this year. Judging from everyone’s responses, there’s still plenty to be grateful for like the health and happiness of family and friends.

We hope this inspires you to reflect on what you have to be fortunate for this year.

Grateful for the love and support of my family.

Jeff – Founder & CEO

Health, family, and friends.

Adam B – Executive Account Manager

Thankful for my friends and family.

Adam K – Account Executive

I am very thankful to be healthy and to see my family and friends have been able to stay healthy as well as being able to spend my days at work with such an awesome team!

Alex – Account Executive

The health of my family and friends – especially during 2020.

Cameron – Account Executive

I am thankful for… my dog chico.

Casey – Account Executive

I’m thankful that my family is in good health and that I was able to get married this year.

David – Account Executive

This year I’m most thankful for my health and fortunate that so many positive things have happened for myself and my family.

Diana – Project Manager

Grateful for my supportive family and good health.

Eric – Senior Email Marketing Manager

I am grateful for our company, SBG Funding, sailing through the murky waters of this unpredictable economy and not only staying afloat but going above and beyond to assist other businesses who have struggled throughout these tumultuous times.

Jake – Executive Account Manager

Grateful for me and my families health!

Jason – Account Executive

Family and friends.

Joshua – Account Executive

I am grateful for my health and my family. This year has truly shed light on the smaller, more important things that I often selfishly took for granted.

Lauren – Account Executive

With everything going on this year, I am extremely thankful and grateful for the health of my family, friends and myself.

Tommy – Account Executive

Remember, practicing gratitude shouldn’t be limited to one day of the year. Try to spend a few minutes every day recognizing life’s daily blessings and you’ll quickly enjoy the benefits of feeling more optimistic and more fulfilled.

Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving from the entire team at SBG Funding!

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